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I can't login, it says wrong password...how do I recover my password? No problem. Simply click on the "forgot password" link under where you
would type in your username and password. Enter your email address...then your password will be sent to you via email.
Your Account Home is your landing page after you login. You have access to latest news, articles, your mailbox, activity on your account.
Plus, you can EDIT your account information, upload or change your profile image, view and edit your listing data, view and manage your connections and finally logout
of your account when you are finished on the site.
Here you can update your Account Contact Information. This is your account with the Chamber office directly. This information is viewable
ONLY by the Chamber Staff and members of the Chamber and will be used for business correspondence only. This data entered here is NOT VISIBLE to guests/visitors to
the site. Here you can also change your username and password as well as your company contact information and mailing address.
If you want the same information to be populated on your public Business Directory Listing ... then make sure that this check box is checked!
If you want to have the ability to add, edit and control different information in your business directory listing (ex. Contact Info different than the primary
business contact in the account or perhaps you don't want some information to should at all such as email address) then you would want this field to be UNCHECKED so
that you have greater control over your field data in your Business Directory Listing.
As a member you will be able to upload a profile image that will display in your business listing or when members of the Chamber view your
account contact data. This can be your logo or picture of your business. To upload your own logo or picture, simply click on the BROWSE to upload directly from your
desktop, crop as required and activate by clicking the ADD PROFILE IMAGE link. Alternatively, you can choose from a number of stock photos already pre-loaded for you
or upload a few of your own profile images and change which one you want to use.
Your LISTING is like your YELLOW PAGES ad to visitors to the site. As a standard member you are able to add a business listing that includes
your business name, contact info, location, a 500 word description, a Member2Member offering. Your listing will also have a Google map of your business location and
the ability to choose up to 3 business categories. You only enter the information you want to show to the public. Ex. if you don't want your email to be displayed,
just leave that field blank.
If you are a current member, your LISTING was added to the site to support the new website launch. This listing data was imported from the
Chamber database. However, it is simple to update and change. Once you are on your LISTINGS page, scroll to the MY LISTINGS block, CLICK on the listing name. You
will be navigated to your listing display. In the ACTION BLOCK on the left, CLICK EDIT to quickly update your description, tags, categories, member2member discount
offer and business contact info. Remember, if you don't want information to display to the public, just leave the field blank. If you want your business
directory contact and location information to match your account information, just ensure that the check box in your account is CHECK to sync your account data to your
business directory listing.
In the ACTION BLOCK, you can also manage your associates if you are the PRIMARY member, plus you can send out an email with a link to your listing to members you have connected with and share your listing on other social networking sites.
NOT a Premium Member Yet ... why not? As a
premium member, you will have all of the same business listing info as a basic member, however, your description and Member2Member block now is a full WYSIWYG editor
(which means you can format the font, change the font colour, add pictures, links ... all in your unlimited description area). Plus you can upload files and photos
right to your listing and choose which ones you want to display! The WYSIWYG editor is simple and easy to use. Turn your business listing into a mini-web page and
really promote your business to visitors to the Chamber site. PLUS now you can add embedded videos to really showcase your business! You can also have multiple
listings to promote different aspects of your business. Check out this
To connect with members, all you need to do it click on the little circle on the top right corner of their profile image.
UPGRADE your membership to Premium and promote your business online to both members and visitors. Great for businesses that do not have a website and want an fast way to have an easy-to-maintain online presence. Contact the Chamber Today to UPGRADE!
Associate members are other people/staff that are part of another business. The system is designed to allow for individuals to join and
either be the primary contact on the account with the ability to add and edit a business directory listing ... or for individuals to be associates of another member.
As an associate, you have the ability to have an account and profile image online; however, you do not have the ability to have a business directory listing. The
primary contact is responsible for maintaining the business directory listing for the business. As an associate you can take advantage of the social networking
features and connect with other members, join events and participate in committees. To assign yourself as an associate of a business ... first make sure you are
signed in and then go to that business directory listing. In the ACTION BLOCK, click on the "Become Associate" button ... ta da! You are now an associate of that
business. The primary contact has the ability to manage their associates and can remove or add associates at any time.
Now you can network with other members online with the integrated social networking features. Contact, connect, fave, or even send them a
quick greeting ... all from the action block. You can see which members are online and even chat with them if they are!
This is your member menu. On the left side, you can change your Presence to ONLINE, OFFLINE, AWAY and BUSY and you can also add a Status
Message which displays on your account when viewed by other members. On the right side, is your notification area. You can quickly see if you have internal mail,
general notifications of members/guests who have viewed your account, see if you have any new Connections requests and to quickly see if you have any online
Connections and finally you can control some of your privacy settings. 
Tags are single descriptive words that you enter in your account info. A tag cloud is a visual depiction of user-generated tags assigned to
accounts, events, committees, business listings. Tags are usually single words and are listed alphabetically, and the importance of a tag is shown with font size. The
tags are hyperlinks that lead to a collection of items that are associated with a tag.
Executive Members Leaders in the business community!
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